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3D-System PLUS

The all-rounder

Have you ever wondered why so many shades of blue are greyed in the
3D-System PLUS fan?

Questions for Margit Vollmert, Head of the ColourDesignStudio:

3D-System PLUS fan?

Blue tones in particular tend to have a much more intense degree of brilliance than they appear on the fan. This means, on smaller surfaces the colour tends to be more greyish and they unfold their true vivid effect on the facade. They also generally tend to be lighter as well. The colours in the 3D-System PLUS fan take this phenomenon into consideration and appear more greyish on small surfaces.

2. Why do these colours appear lighter outside?

This can be attributed to the various lighting situations. On a regular day, outdoor light is at least ten times stronger than interior light. And this is why much more light is reflected outside and the colours appear lighter. Generally, colours on a large surface therefore not only appear to be lighter but, as described before, they are also more vibrant than on the small surface of the fan.