
Capalac Seidenmatt-Buntlack

The colored specialist

  • LV Texte

    Field of Application

    Suitable for high-grade, silk-matt finishing coatings on dimensionally stable wooden parts, metal and unplastizised (rigid) PVC, in the exteriors and interiors. Also suitable for use on hot water radiators with the exception of white shades.
    Due to a typical odour of alkyd resin enamels, it is advisable to use Capacryl PU Satin for top coats on large-scale interior substrates instead.

    Material Properties

    • Non-aromatic solvent (free of aromatic hydrocarbons).
    • Excellent colour stability and gloss retention.
    • Long open-time.
    • Low sagging.
    • Excellent opacity, high covering power on edges.
    • High impact strength and shock resistance.
    • Elegant and easy application.
    • Fast-drying.
    • Superior flow.
    • Resistant to normal household cleaners (detergents) and short-term resistance against weak acids and alkalis.

    Material Base / Vehicle

    PU alkyd resin, solvent-based, free of aromatic hydrocarbons

    Packaging/Package Size

    • Standard Colours:
      375 ml, 750 ml, 2.5 litres, 10 litres
      not all standard colours are available in all package sizes.
    • ColorExpress:
      375 ml, 750 ml,  2.5 litres, 10 litres


    White (Weiß), RAL 7001, RAL 7016, RAL 7035, RAL 8011, RAL 9001, RAL 9002, RAL 9005 and effect colour RAL 9006 White Aluminium (Weißaluminium).

    More colour shades can be tinted via ColorExpress (Capalac mix).

    When applying colours with low opacity, like Red, Orange or Yellow, it is advisable to apply one priming coat using the matching colour shade of our Priming System. Priming system colours are available via the ColorExpress tinting technique for the following products: Capalac Seidenmatt-Buntlack, Capalac AllGrund, Capalac Vorlack and Capalac Grundierweiß.

    Note: If necessary, apply a transparent sealing coat of Capalac Kunstharz-Klarlack (clear coat) on intensively or dark tinted Capalac enamel coatings in order to avoid a slightly abrasion of pigments.

    The typical yellowing of alkyd resins may occur and cannot be objected (caused by low UV radiation and white or bright colours, heat or chemical influences due to e.g. ammonia vapour from cleaning agents, adhesives, paint or sealing compounds).

    Colour Resistance according to BFS Data Sheet No. 26:
    Binder: Class B
    Pigmentation: Group 1 to 3, depending on the colour.

    Gloss Level

    Silk-matt (flat)/semi-gloss (mid sheen / velvet or eggshell-like finish)


    Keep cans/containers tightly closed and in a cool place.


    Approx. 1.0 – 1.2 g/cm³, depending on the colour

    Suitability according to Technical Information No. 606 Definition of Application Areas

    Interior 1Interior 2Interior 3Exterior 1Exterior 2
    (–) inapplicable / (○) of limited suitability / (+) suitable

    Suitable Substrates

    Primed and pre-coated wood, metal and unplasticised (rigid) PVC.
    Do not apply on andonized aluminium.
    The substrate must be clean, sound/stable, dry, and free from all substances that may prevent good adhesion. Max. permissible moisture content in dimensionally stable wood: 13 %.

    Substrate Preparation

    Roughening and cleaning the primered surface.

    Method of Application

    Guidelines for Spray Application:
    Ø NozzlePressureThinningHeating of Material
    0.009 - 0.013 inch150 bar-35 °C
    High Pressure
    (only suitable for RAL 9006)
    1.6 mm2.5 bar+ 10% PU hardener and up to 25-30 % AF-Thinner, if necessary; viscosity DIN 4 mm: approx. 45 seconds20 °C
    Unsuitable for metallic tint RAL 9006.

    Capalac Seidenmatt-Buntlack is applied by enamel paint brush, roller or spraying equipment. Stir well before use.
    Aircoat spray application of material in delivered consistency is possible by heating (TempSpray).

    RAL 9006 / Specifics:
    An even surface is only achievable when using the high-pressure spray technique. On large, seamless surfaces sometimes a clouding effect cannot be avoided.
    Colour deviation may occur when RAL 9006 is applied with different coating methods, e.g. spray, roller or brush application.

    10 % of PU hardener must be added to the material, when standard colour RAL 9006 is to be applied, because these two colour variations of the product are special 2-component enamels. Follow the safety advice in Technical Information No. 093 (Capalac PU Hardener).

    Surface Coating System

    SubstrateUseSubstrate PreparationImpregnationPrimingIntermediate CoatFinishing Coat
    Wood, derived timber productsinteriorsandingCapalac Vorlackif necessary Capalac
    Capalac 2)
    Wooden partsexteriorBFS Data Sheet No. 18Capalac Holz-Imprägnier-GrundCapalac VorlackCapalac
    Iron, steelinteriorderusting/cleaningCapalac AllGrundif necessary Capalac
    exteriorderusting/cleaning2 x Capalac AllGrundCapalac
    Zinc (galvanised substrates)interiorBFS Data Sheet No. 5Disbon 481 EP-Uniprimer
    or Capalac AllGrund
    if necessary Capalac
    exteriorBFS Data Sheet No. 5Disbon 481 EP-Uniprimer
    or 2 x Capalac AllGrund
    AluminiuminteriorBFS Data Sheet No. 6Capalac AllGrundif necessary Capalac
    exteriorBFS Data Sheet No. 6Capalac AllGrundCapalac
    Unplasticised (rigid) PVCinterior/
    BFS Data Sheet No. 22Capalac AllGrundif necessary Capalac
    Sound existing paint coatingsinterior/
    roughening/alkali treatment1)Capalac AllGrund1)if necessary Capalac
    Uncoated radiatorsinteriorderusting/cleaningCapalac AllGrund
    up to 100 °C
    Precoated radiators (prefab)interiorrougheningDisbon 481
    1) Pretreat defects in existing enamel coatings according to substrate requirements.
    2) A transparent sealing is required for intensive colours to avoid abrasion of pigments.
    3) Do not apply white shades on radiators to avoid yellowing.
    Note: Adhesion must be tested in advance for powder coatings, coil coatings and other critical/problematic substrates by trial application.


    Consumption ml/m2 per CoatBrush ApplicationRoller ApplicationSpraying (Airless)
    70 - 10080 - 110120
    Consumption is only a guide value and may vary, depending on substrate requirements. Determine the exact amount of material required by coating a test area on site.

    Application Conditions

    Lower Temperature Limit for Application and Drying:
    + 5 °C for material, substrate and ambient air.
    Relative humidity must not exceed 80 %.

    Drying/Drying Time

    At 20 °C, 65 % relative humiditydust drydry to touchrecoatable (brush)recoatable (spraying)
    after hours48 - 10248 - 16

    Lower temperatures and higher humidity or high amounts of applied material extend the drying time. The use of Capalac PU Hardener is essential for colour RAL 9006 to compensate delayed drying of both materials. Follow Safety Advice given in Technical Information No. 093.

    Tool Cleaning

    Immediately after use with white spirit.

    Special Risks (Hazard Note) / Safety Advice (Status as at Date of Publication)

    This product contains max. 300 g/l VOC. Warning! Hazardous respirable droplets may be formed when sprayed. Do not breathe spray or mist. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.

    Declaration of ingredients according to VdL directive 01 (Germany): alkyd resin, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, silicates, mineral pigments / fillers, aliphatics, glycol ethers, glycols, ester, additives.


    Materials and all related packaging must be disposed of in a safe way in accordance with the full requirements of the local authorities. Particular attention should be made to removing wastage from site in compliance with standard construction site procedures.
    In Germany: Only completely empty containers should be handed in for recycling. Dispose containers with residues of liquid product via waste collection point accepting old paints and enamels. Dispose dried/hardened product residues as construction site/demolition/municipal or domestic waste.

    EU limit value for the VOC content

    of this product (category A/d): max. 300 g/l (2010). This product contains max. 300 g/l VOC.

    VOC content of standard colours RAL 9006 and RAL 9007 with 10 % content of PU Hardener: Limit value (Category A/j): max. 500 g/l (2010). This product contains max. 500 g/l VOC.



    Product Code Paints and Enamels

    outdated: M-LL01 (Germany)

    Substances of Content - Declaration

    Alkyd resin, titanium dioxide, silicates, mineral pigments / fillers, aliphatics, ester, glycols, glycol ethers, additives.

    Further Details

    See Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

    Customer Service Centre

    Tel.: +49 6154 71-71710
    Fax: +49 6154 71-71711

    International Distribution: Please see

    Product recommendation:

    Capalac Vorlack

    Capalac Holz-Imprägniergrund

    Capalac AllGrund

    Capalac Hochglanz-Buntlack

    Capalac SeidenWeiß