

Silanised pure acrylic facade paint based on SilaCryl®, diffusible and at the same time very well water-repellent with a wide colour spectrum.
  • LV Texte

    Field of Application

    Facade paint for a wide variety of substrates.

    Can be used on all intact external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS), load-bearing emulsion paint coats, organically bound renders, mineral substrates, concrete, fibre cement, exposed brickwork, aerated concrete, cement-bonded chipboard and many more.

    Depending on the dilution, Muresko allows structure-preserving or structure-levelling coatings. Especially suitable for the renovation of load-bearing old aerated concrete coatings and on aerated concrete assembly components.

    Material Properties

    • Innovative, new SilaCryl® binder
    • Highest colour shade diversity
    • Versatile application
    • Protected against algae and fungal attack
    • Very good adhesion to most façade surfaces
    • Alkali-resistant, therefore unsaponifiable

    Material Base / Vehicle

    Silanised pure acrylate on a SilaCryl® binder base modified with silicone

    Packaging/Package Size

    • Standard product: 2,5 l, 5 l, 12,5 l
    • ColorExpress:1,25 l, 2,5 l, 5 l, 7,5 l, 12,5 l



    Further colours can be tinted via ColorExpress. Available tinted at the factory for orders of 100 litres and more in one colour shade and application.

    In order to detect possible tinting errors, please check for colour accuracy before processing. In case of conspicuities or deviations from the delivery target (e.g. colour shade deviations) or from the usual quality, please also observe the " Leitfaden zu Prüfpflichten bei Anlieferung von Tönware des Verbandes für Dämmsysteme, Putz und Mörtel e.V." in Germany (brochures and leaflets - VDPM).

    Only use colour shades of one production (batch) on continuous surfaces. Muresko is self-tintable with CaparolColor full tone and tinting colours or AmphiColor full tone and tinting colours.
    In case of self-tinting, mix the required total quantity to avoid differences in colour shade. Intense colours may have a lower hiding power. It is therefore advisable to apply a comparable, opaque, white-based, pastel colour shade first. A second top coat may be necessary.

    Colour fastness according to BFS-Merkblatt No. 26:

    Class: A
    Group: 1-3, depending on shade

    Gloss Level

    Matt, class: G3


    Please store in a cool place and keep containers tightly closed.

    Technical Data

    Characteristics according to DIN EN 1062:


    approx. 1.5 g/cm3

    Maximum grit size

    < 100 µm, class: S1

    Dry film thickness

    100–200 µm, class: E3

    Water permeability (w-value)

    (w-value): ≤ 0,1[kg/(m2· h0,5)],
    class: W(low)

    Water vapour permeability (sd-value)

    < 1,4 m, class: V2 (average)

    Due to tinting, deviations in the technical characteristics are possible.

    Supplementary Product

    Muresko Nespri
    Capatect Muresko Fassadenputz

    Caparol Trocknungsbeschleuniger: Winter additive for processing and early rain resistance of Muresko at low temperatures from +1 °C to approx. +10 °C.

    Suitability according to Technical Information No. 606 Definition of Application Areas

    Interior 1Interior 2Interior 3Exterior 1Exterior  2
    (–) inapplicable / (○) of limited suitability / (+) suitable

    Suitable Substrates

    The substrates must be free from dirt, separating substances and dry. In Germany observe "VOB, Part C, DIN 18363, Para. 3".
    For substrate pre-treatment, please also observe our Technical Information No. 650 "Substrates and their pre-treatment".

    Substrate Preparation

    New and existing, intact external thermal insulation composite systems with surfaces made of synthetic resin, silicone resin, lime-cement render/ solid mortar class according to DIN EN 998-1 class CS II 1.5 - 5.0 N/mm2:

    Old renders can be wet cleaned using a suitable method. When cleaning, use pressure water jets with a max. temperature of 60 °C and a max. pressure of 60 bar. Allow sufficient drying time after cleaning. Apply a coat of Muresko according to the existing finishing render in accordance with the following substrate specifications.

    Finish renders according to DIN EN 998-1 class CS II 1.5 - 5.0 N/mm2:
    New renders are to be applied after sufficient standing time, usually after 2 weeks, at approx. 20 °C and 65 % rel. Humidity, they can be coated. In case of unfavourable weather conditions, e.g. influenced by wind or rain, significantly longer standing times must be observed. By applying an additional priming coat of CapaGrund Universal reduces the risk of lime efflorescence with alkaline finishing renders, so that coating can be applied after a standing time of only 7 days.

    Old mineral paints and renders:
    Clean firmly adhering coatings mechanically or by pressure water jetting in compliance with the Clean adherent coatings mechanically or by pressure water jetting. Remove non-sticking, weathered coatings by scraping, sanding, scraping. Prime with Dupa-Putzfestiger.

    Aerated concrete with sound old coating:
    Clean intact surfaces. Apply one priming coat of CapaGrund Universal. For non-intact aerated concrete coatings refer to the "Caparol-Bautenschutz-Programm" (Caparol Building Protection Programme).

    Clean concrete surfaces with dirt deposits or floury grain layer mechanically or by pressure water jetting, observing the legal regulations. Prime slightly absorbent or smooth surfaces with CapaGrund Universal. Prime coarsely porous, slightly sanding or absorbent surfaces with OptiSilan TiefGrund. Prime chalky surfaces with Dupa-Putzfestiger.

    Cement-bonded chipboard:
    Due to the high alkalinity of cement-bonded wood chipboards, a priming coat of Disbon 481 EP-Uniprimer must be applied to prevent lime efflorescence.

    Facing brickwork:
    Only frost-resistant facing bricks or clinker without foreign inclusions are suitable for painting. The masonry must have crack-free joints, be dry and free of salt. Apply one priming coat of Dupa-Putzfestiger. If brown discolouration appears in the intermediate coat, continue with the water-free facade paint Duparol.

    Load-bearing dispersion, dispersion-silicate or silicone resin paint coatings:
    Clean old coatings by pressure water blasting in compliance with the legal regulations. Observe substrate test according to "BFS-Merkblatt Nr.20".

    Old coatings with the following properties:
    Weakly absorbent, solid, dry, load-bearing: See coating build-up.
    Medium absorbency: CapaGrund Universal diluted with max. 3% water.
    Highly absorbent: OptiSilan TiefGrund or Dupa-Putzfestiger.

    Old coatings on ETICS:
    Highly absorbent, firmly adhering, fine hairline cracks: Dupa-Putzfestiger.
    Chalking or chalking (also under water load following "BFS-Merkblatt Nr. 20", B.13 "Oberflächenfestigkeit, Kreidung"):
    Prime with Dupa-Putzfestiger.

    Glossy and water-repellent (hydrophobic) surfaces:
    Mechanically roughen. Prime with Capagrund Universal. If water beading is still present after mechanical roughening, we recommend priming with Dupa-Haftgrund.

    Load-bearing synthetic resin or silicone resin render coatings:
    Clean old renders with a suitable method. In case of wet cleaning, allow the surfaces to dry thoroughly before further treatment.

    Non-supporting, mineral coatings:
    Remove completely by sanding, brushing, scraping, pressure water jetting in compliance with legal regulations or other suitable measures. In case of wet cleaning, allow the surfaces to dry thoroughly before further treatment. Prime with Dupa-Putzfestiger.

    Non-supporting dispersion paint or synthetic resin render coatings:
    Remove completely by suitable methods, e.g. mechanically or by stripping and subsequent cleaning by pressure water jetting, observing the legal regulations. Prime slightly absorbent or smooth surfaces with CapaGrund Universal. Prime chalky, sanding, absorbent surfaces with Dupa-Putzfestiger.

    Surfaces soiled by industrial fumes or soot: Coat with the water-free facade paint Duparol.

    Cracked render or concrete surfaces: Depending on the crack class, coat with Cap-elast-System, FibroSil or PermaSilan.

    Surfaces with salt efflorescence:
    Remove salt efflorescence dry by brushing. Apply one priming coat of Dupa-Putzfestiger. When coating surfaces with salt efflorescence, no guarantee can be given for the permanent adhesion of the coating or the elimination of the salt efflorescence.

    Repair small defects with Caparol Fassaden-Feinspachtel. Large defects up to 20 mm should preferably be repaired with Histolith-Renovierspachtel. Re-priming of filler areas.

    Method of Application

    Apply with brush or roller.
    For spray application of Muresko, we recommend Muresko Nespri, applied by the Nespri spraying method.

    Surface Coating System

    Remove fungal or algal coatings by wet blasting in compliance with the legal regulations.
    Wash surfaces with Capatox or FungiGrund and allow to dry thoroughly.

    Priming coat:
    According to the specifications under point "Substrate preparation".

    Intermediate coat:
    Muresko diluted with max. 10 % OptiSilan TiefGrund or water.

    Final coat:
    Muresko diluted with max. 5% water.
    To maintain structure on roughcast surfaces, dilute the primer coat with max. 15-20 % and the top coat with max. 10 % water.


    Approx. 200 ml/m2 Consumption per coat on smooth surfaces.
    On rough surfaces, the exact consumption must be determined by trial coating.

    To achieve the best possible protection against algae and fungal attack, it is necessary to apply two coats with a total of at least 400 ml/m2 to achieve an average layer thickness of at least 200 µm. Each additional coat increases the layer thickness by approx. 100 µm at a consumption of at least 200 ml/m2 per coat. On rough surfaces, the consumption is correspondingly higher.

    Application Conditions

    Lower temperature limit during application and drying:
    Material, circulating air and substrate temperature: min. + 5° C to max. + 30°C.

    Drying/Drying Time

    Surface-dry and recoatable after 4-6 hours at +20 °C and 65 % relative humidity.
    Fully dry and loadable after approx. 3 days.
    These times are longer at lower temperatures and higher humidity.

    Tool Cleaning

    Clean tools with water after use.


    To avoid marks/ lapping, coat wet-on-wet in one go. Not suitable for horizontal surfaces with water load.

    In case of coatings on existing intact aerated concrete coatings, the Light Reflectance Value (LRV) should be greater than 30, for ETICS systems greater than 20.

    For façade surfaces that are exposed to higher than usual moisture loads under special object conditions or due to natural weather influences, there is an increased risk of fungal and algae growth.

    Muresko is equipped with a film protection. This film protection protects the material against infestation over a long period of time, the effectiveness of which depends on the object conditions, e.g. the severity of the infestation and the moisture load. Therefore, a permanent prevention of algae and fungal infestation is not possible. After cleaning, FungiGrund can be used as a substrate pre-treatment for surfaces affected by algae and fungi.

    With dark shades, mechanical stress can lead to light streaks (writing effect). This is a product-specific property of all matt facade paints.

    In the case of dense, cool substrates or in the case of drying delays due to weather conditions, auxiliary substances may form yellowish/ transparent, slightly glossy and sticky run-off marks on the surface of the coating due to exposure to moisture (rain, dew, fog). These auxiliary substances are water-soluble and are removed independently with sufficient water, e.g. after several heavy rainfalls. The quality of the dried coating is not adversely affected by this. If, nevertheless, a direct recoating should be carried out, the runners/auxiliary materials must be pre-wetted and washed off completely after a short exposure time. Apply an additional priming coat of CapaGrund Universal. If the coating is applied under suitable climatic conditions, these run-off marks will not occur.

    Markings of touch-ups in the surface depend on many factors and are therefore unavoidable ("BFS-Merkblatt Nr. 25").

    German Certificates

    • Determination of the water vapour diffusion current density and the water permeability rate
    • Effectiveness against fungal and algal infestation

    Special Risks (Hazard Note) / Safety Advice (Status as at Date of Publication)

    May cause an allergic skin reaction. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Avoid release to the environment. Wear protective gloves/ eye protection. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. Contains:1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, octhilinone (ISO), 2-methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one. Warning! Hazardous respirable droplets may be formed when sprayed. Do not breathe spray or mist. According to European Regulation 528/2012 this product is defined as a "treated article” (not a biocidal product) and contains the following biocidal substances: terbutryn (CAS-No. 886-50-0), octhilinone (ISO) (CAS-No. 26530-20-1), pyrithione zinc (CAS-No. 13463-41-7).


    Dispose of liquid material residues at the collection point for old paints/lacquers.
    Dispose of dried material residues as construction and demolition waste or as municipal or household waste.

    EU limit value for the VOC content

    (Cat. A/c):40 g/l (2010). This product contains max. < 20 g/l VOC.

    Product Code Paints and Enamels


    Substances of Content - Declaration

    Polyacrylate resin, polysiloxanes, silicates, calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, water, glycol ether, additives, Preservative, film protection agent.

    Customer Service Centre

    Tel.: +49 6154 71-71710
    Fax: +49 6154 71-71711

    International Distribution: Please see

    Product recommendation:

    Capatect Muresko Fassadenputz

    Muresko Nespri