
CapaSol RapidGrund

Deep-penetrating, drip-resistant special primer, optimised for roller application

  • LV Texte

    Field of Application

    Transparent primer for equalising solid, porous, unevenly absorbent substrates.

    Perfect for treating normally absorbent substrates such as renders, brickwork, concrete, natural stone and gypsum plasterboards.

    CapaSol RapidGrund is ideal for efficient roller application.

    Material Properties

    • Drip-resistant roller application or airless spray application possible
    • Preservative-free
    • Good hardening properties
    • Extends open time
    • Can be diluted with water

    Material Base / Vehicle

    Modified, aqueous plastic dispersion according to DIN 55945

    Packaging/Package Size

    2,5 l, 10 l




    Cool, frost-protected and avoiding large temperature fluctuations. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep opened containers well closed.
    Use material within 24 months.


    ρ ≈  1,1 g/cm3

    Suitability according to Technical Information No. 606 Definition of Application Areas

    inside 1inside 2inside 3outside 1outside 2
    (–) not suitable / (○) limited suitability / (+) suitable

    Suitable Substrates

    The substrate must be firm, load-bearing, dry, clean, and free from all substances that may prevent good adhesion.
    Test the substrate in accordance with leaflets No. 20 and 20.1 of the Bundesausschuss Farbe und Sachwertschutz e.V. (Federal Committee for Paints and Material Protection).
    Identify the cause of cracks in substrates and, depending on the type and extent of the cracks, repair them appropriately.
    Please refer to Caparol's Technical Information No. 650 ‘Untergründe und deren Vorbehandlung’ (Substrates and their pre-treatment).

    Substrate Preparation

    Note on Q2/Q3 skim coating / thin layers of plaster < 0.5 mm:
    When using gypsum-based, hydraulically setting fillers in quality level Q2/Q3, a transparent, water-based primer is recommended. Please refer to leaflet no. 2 -9/2020 ‘Adhesion problems of coatings on filled gypsum (plasterboard) panels’ from the German Federal Association for Paint, Design and Building Protection and the German Federal Committee for Paint and Property Protection. As an alternative to gypsum-based Q3 fillers, fillers with paste-like fillers have proven successful.

    Protective measures
    Carefully cover glass, ceramics, clinker brick, natural stone, painted, glazed, anodised and surfaces to be protected. Immediately remove splashes with water.

    Method of Application

    Brush or roller
    Stir material well.
    Ideal for roller application. Roller: polyamide floor 13-15 mm
    Paintbrush, brush, flat brush

    Airless spraying
    Stir material well and sieve if necessary.

    Surface Coating System

    Apply the substrate wet-on-wet.

    Rolling: undiluted
    Brushing: diluted with up to 2 parts of water until the substrate is fully saturated
    Airless: diluted with up to 2 parts of water
    Spray angle: 60°
    Nozzle: 0.029’
    Spray pressure: 50 bar

    The primer must not form a closed, glossy film.


    • Approx. 50-200 ml/m2 depending on the absorbency and nature of the substrate.
    Determine the exact consumption by applying a trial coat.

    Application Conditions

    During the application and in the drying phase, the ambient and substrate temperatures must not be below +8 °C and above +30 °C.

    Do not apply in direct sunlight, strong wind, fog or high humidity. Please refer to the leaflet "Verputzen, Wärmedämmen, Spachteln, Beschichten bei hohen und tiefen Temperaturen" (Rendering, Thermal Insulation, Filling, Coating at High and Low Temperatures) from the Bundesverband Ausbau und Fassade (Federal Association for Finishing and Façades).

    In unfavourable weather conditions, take suitable measures to protect the facade surfaces being treated.

    Drying/Drying Time

    Coatings must be dry before further processing.
    The waiting time for reworking depends, among other things, on weather conditions and layer thickness. The information is based on 20 °C and 60% relative humidity and is for guidance only.
    The drying and hardening of the material takes place through chemical and physical processes and the release of the contained water, i.e. its evaporation. Cool and humid environments delay these processes.

    • surface dry after approx. 3 hours
    • recoatable after approx. 6 hours

    Tool Cleaning

    Immediately after use with water, in accordance with the legal requirements.


    CapaSol RapidGrund is not suitable for horizontal surfaces exposed to water.
    For highly absorbent surfaces, we recommend using OptiSilan Tiefgrund or a solvent-based primer such as Dupa Putzfestiger.

    Special Risks (Hazard Note) / Safety Advice (Status as at Date of Publication)

    Safety data sheet available on request. For commercial/industrial applications. Keep out of reach of children. Wear safety goggles.
    During spray application: Do not breathe spray dust. Use A2/P2 combination filter for paint spraying. Ensure good ventilation during use and drying. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using the product. In case of contact with eyes or skin, immediately and thoroughly rinse with water. Do not allow product to enter drains, waterways or soil. Clean utensils immediately after use with soap and water.
    Only completely emptied containers should be given for recycling.
    Dispose of liquid material residues at the collection point for old paints/varnishes, dispose of dried material residues as construction and demolition waste or as municipal waste or household waste. If the base paint or a wall paint is toned using a pigment paste or toning paste that does not conform to the requirements of the Blue Angel, the toned paint no longer complies with the criteria for the Blue Angel.
    For further technical information and advice for allergy sufferers, call +49 (0) 800/189 5000.
    EU limit value for the VOC content of this product (category A/a): 30 g/l (2010). This product contains max. 1 g/l VOC.
    Declaration of ingredients according to VdL directive 01 (Germany): alkali water glass, polyacrylic resin, water, additives.

    Technical Assistance

    This publication does not cover all substrates that may occur in practice and their technical treatment. If substrates are to be treated that are not listed in this technical information, it is necessary to consult with us or our field staff. We are happy to provide you with detailed and object-related advice.

    Customer Service Centre

    Tel.: +49 6154 71-71710
    Fax: +49 6154 71-71711

    International Distribution: Please see