
Sylitol® Bio-Innenfarbe

High-quality, solvent-free, silicate-based interior paint – suitable for allergic persons.
  • LV Texte

    Field of Application

    High-quality paint for interior silicate coatings on walls and ceilings, e.g. in living quarters, schools, children’s nurseries, public buildings and for the preservation of monuments and historic buildings. Due to the allergen-free (controlled) formulation ideally suitable for allergy sufferers.

    Particularly suitable for coatings on unpainted mineral plasters of mortar groups/classes PI, PII and PIII, concrete, fair-faced calcium silicate (sandlime) brick masonry, Capaquarz glass fleece wall coverings, woodchip/ingrain wallpapers and stable silicate coatings.

    Capaver glass fabric wall coverings, gypsum plasters, plasterboards, gypsum building boards/wallboards and sound dispersion/emulsion coatings can be coated after an adequate pre-treatment.Due to the high content of mineral raw materials and natural alkalinity of binder, the risk of fungal attack on the coating surface is minimised.

    Caparol Innendämmsysteme (interior thermal insulation systems):
    The paint is suitable for use within Capatect IDS Aktiv and Capatect IDS Mineral.

    Material Properties

    • Free of preservatives.
    • Solvent-free.
    • Unplasticized.
    • Free of fogging-active substances.
    • Hygienically harmless for room air.
    • Test Certificate of TÜV Nord "Suitable for allergy sufferers".
    • External quality control.
    • Water-dilutable.
    • Ecologically compatible, low odour.
    • Easy to apply.
    • Highly diffusion-capable, sd H2O < 0.02 m as per DIN EN 1062.
    • Sylitol® coatings retain the diffusibility and water vapour permeability of substrates.
    • Reaction to fire, German classification: "nichtbrennbar/non-combustible", Class A2 
      as per DIN 4102. Approval number: P-BAY26-04659

    Material Base / Vehicle

    Potassium silicate (water glass) with organic stabilisers as per German standard DIN 18363, section 2.4.1.

    Packaging/Package Size

    • Standard Product: 5 l, 12.5 l   Airfix: 25 l hobbock, 120 l paint barrel
    • Altweiß / Off-White: 12.5 l   Airfix:  25 l hobbock
    • ColorExpress: 2.5 l, 5 l, 7.5 l, 12.5 l


    White and Off-White (approx. RAL 9010).

    Sylitol® Bio-Innenfarbe can be tinted via the ColorExpress tinting & mixing machine system in shades of current colour collections. Check tinted product before applying to avoid colour deviation. Always use tinted paint of same batch, when applying on seamless surfaces. Quantities of 100 litres or more in individual colours may be ordered ready-tinted ex factory.

    TÜV Nord certificate and Natureplus testing seal refer to white material. The tinting process may influence the allergen- and preservative-free formulation adversely.

    Sylitol® Bio-Innenfarbe is also tintable to a max. of 10 % with Histolith-Volltonfarben (colourants).  
    If more than one bucket is manually tinted, all product must be thoroughly mixed before use in order to avoid colour differences.

    Gloss Level

    Dull matt (Dead-matt as per DIN EN 13 300)


    Keep in a cool, but frost-free place.
    Shelf life: approx. 12 months.Store the product only in plastic containers.

    Technical Data

    Characteristics according to DIN EN 13 300:
    Tinting may cause variations.

    Wet abrasion

    Wet scrub resistance Class 3, corresponds to "wash resistant" as per DIN 53778

    Contrast ratio

    Opacity/hiding power Class 2 (spreading rate: 7 m2/l or 140 ml/m2)

    Maximum particle (grit) size

    Fine (< 100 µm)


    Approx. 1.5 g/cm3

    Supplementary Product

    • Histolith-Volltonfarben
      Colourants for self-tinting Sylitol® Bio-Innenfarbe.
    • Sylitol® Mineralgrund
      Pigmented silicate primer to promote bonding, for exterior and interior use.
    • Caparol-Haftgrund
      White pigmented primer with high adhesion to substrates. To be used before applying Sylitol® Bio-Innenfarbe.

    Suitability according to Technical Information No. 606 Definition of Application Areas

    Interior 1Interior 2Interior 3Exterior 1Exterior 2
    (–) inapplicable / (○) of limited suitability / (+) suitable

    Suitable Substrates

    The substrate must be sound/stable, dry, clean, and free from all substances that may prevent good adhesion.In Germany: Follow VOB, part C, DIN 18363, section 3.

    Substrate Preparation

    Sintered, Chalking or Powdering Mineral Substrates:
    Clean the surface intensively by mechanical means or treat them with fluosilicate Histolith Fluat and then rinse thoroughly with tap water.

    Interior Plasters in Mortar Groups/Classes PIc (Hydraulic Lime Plasters), PII (Lime-Cement Mortars), PIII (Cement Mortars) / Minimum Compressive Strength according to DIN EN 998-1: 
    1 N/mm2:

    Coat solid, normally absorbent renders without pre-treatment. Highly porous, sanding, absorbent substrates: One liberally applied priming coat of Sylitol® Konzentrat 111 (Concentrate), diluted 1:1 to 2:1 with tap water (work intensively by brush). Allow repaired areas to dry, then use fluosilicate Histolith Fluat and rinse subsequently with tap water.

    Gypsum Mortar and Ready-Mixed Gypsum Plasters of Mortar Group/Class PIV / Minimum Compressive Strength according to DIN EN 13279: 2 N/mm2:
    Solid plasters: One priming coat of Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.Strengthen soft gypsum plasters with Caparol-Tiefgrund TB.
    Sintered plasters: Sand/grind off sintered skin and remove all abrasive dust, then apply one priming coat of Caparol-Tiefgrund TB.
    In each case: Allow to dry properly and apply one intermediate coat of Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.

    Loam Rendering:
    Clean the surface to be coated and prime with Sylitol® Konzentrat 111 (Concentrate). Check for brownish discolouration by trials.Gypsum Plasterboards (Sandwich-Type Plaster Boards / Drywalls):
    Sand/grind off any filler/mortar burrs and prime with Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.Strengthen soft gypsum-fillings (repairs) with Caparol-Tiefgrund TB. Prime with Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.Boards with water-soluble, discolouring substances of content that leaves marks must be primed with Caparol AquaSperrgrund, followed by an intermediate coat of Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund. (Germany: Follow BFS Data Sheet No. 12).

    Gypsum Building Boards / Wallboards:
    Prime with Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.

    Remove all residues of separating agent (formwork oil residues) and chalking, sanding substances.
    Prime with Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.

    Fair-Faced Calcium Silicate (Sandlime) Brick Masonry:

    Dry wire brushing of salty efflorescence.

    Facing Brickwork:
    Prime with Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.

    Sound/Stable Coatings of Lime, Cement or Silicate Paint:
    Prime highly absorbent surfaces liberally with Sylitol® Konzentrat 111 (Concentrate), diluted 1:1 to 2:1 with tap water (work intensively by brush).

    Stable, Matt Coatings of Dispersion/Emulsion Paint and Synthetic (Organic) Plaster:
    Matt, evenly absorbent substrates can be coated without a previously applied priming coat.
    On strongly absorbent substrates: Apply one priming coat of Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund to level the substrate absorbency
    On existing silk-matt to gloss coats of emulsion paint: Apply one priming coat of Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund to optimise adhesion and to avoid fine superficial hairline cracks.

    Unstable Existing Coatings:
    Carefully remove all unstable coatings of enamel and emulsion paint or synthetic (organic) plaster. Prime with Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund. Remove unstable mineral paint coatings completely by mechanical means and prime with Sylitol® Konzentrat 111 (Concentrate).

    Glue-Bound Distemper (Limewater Colour/Paint):
    Wash off the coating completely and prime with Caparol-Tiefgrund TB. Apply one intermediate coat of Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.

    Uncoated Woodchip/Ingrain Wallpapers:
    Coat without pre-treatment. A trial coating is necessary for relief and embossed wallpapers (made of paper).

    Capaver Glass Fabric Wall Coverings:
    Prime with Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.

    Non-Adherent Wallpapers:
    Remove completely and wash off all residues of wallpaper paste/glue and waste paper.Prime the substrate with Caparol-Tiefgrund TB and apply one intermediate coat of Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.

    Mildewed Surfaces:
    Remove fungal attack (fungi/mildew/mould) by wet cleaning, then use Capatox and allow to dry thoroughly. Complete in compliance with legal/local and official regulations (follow e.g. Ordinance on Biological Agents and Ordinance on Hazardous Substances).

    Small Defects:
    After having completed the necessary preparations, repair small damages with filler Caparol-Akkordspachtel or Caparol-Füllspachtel P according to the manufacturer’s instructions and apply one priming coat of Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund. Prime gypsum fillings (repairs) with Caparol-Tiefgrund TB.

    Method of Application

    Apply by paint brush, roller or airless spraying equipment.

    Airless application:
    Spray angle: 50°
    Nozzle size: 0.025"
    Spraying pressure: 150 - 180 bar
    Clean tools/equipment immediately after use with water.

    Surface Coating System

    One even, liberally applied coat ofSylitol® Bio-Innenfarbe, undiluted or diluted to a max. of 5 % with tap (potable) water. On surfaces with highly contrasting colours: One previously applied priming coat of Sylitol® Bio-Innenfarbe, diluted to a max. of 5 % with tap water. On substrates with high or uneven absorbency: Prime with Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund.


    Approx. 140 ml/m2 per coat on smooth substrates. On roughly textured surfaces correspondingly more. Determine the exact amount of material required by coating a test area on site.

    Application Conditions

    Low Temperature Limit for Application and Drying:
    +8 °C for product, substrate and ambient air.

    Drying/Drying Time

    At +20 °C and 65 % relative humidity, surface-dry and recoatable after 4 - 6 hours. Completely dry and ready for stress afterapprox. 3 days.Lower temperatures and higher relative humidity extend the drying time.


    Do not mix the paint with other coating materials to retain the specific properties. Depending on the colour, the content of organic pigments may overrun the maximum value of 5 %, as described in German standard VOB/C, DIN 18363, section 2.4.1.
    To avoid lapping apply the product wet-on-wet and without interruption.Do not apply on enamels, substrates with salty efflorescence, synthetic/plastic materials and wood.
    Tinting may lead to a product typical uneven appearance (clouding effect) that cannot be avoided in each case.
    On darker shades mechanical stress (scratching) may result in bright stripes.
    For areas with intensive colours and subjected to a higher mechanical  stress, we recommend the use of PremiumColor.
    On smooth substrates in unfavourable lighting conditions (sided/grazing light) we recommend the use of CapaSilan.
    Thoroughly stir and sieve the material before airless application. 
    When using Caparol-Tiefgrund TB in interiors, a typical solvent odour is released, hence proper ventilation must be provided during the application. Use non-aromatic, low-odour AmphiSilan-Putzfestiger in sensitive areas.
    Touching up surfaces is depending on many parameters and may be visible after drying
    (Germany: See BFS Data Sheet No. 25).
    On gypsum based fillers: Apply one intermediate coat of Sylitol® Mineralgrund or Caparol-Haftgrund onto the full surface to minimize the risk of colour deviation.

    Protective Measures:
    The areas adjoining the surface to be painted must be carefully masked, in particular glass, ceramics, enamel/varnish coatings, clinkers, natural stone, untreated or stained wood and metals. Remove paint splatters immediately with plenty of clean water.

    Please Note (Status as at Date of Publication)

    Keep out of reach from children. Ensure good ventilation during use and drying. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using the product. In case of contact with eyes or skin, immediately and thoroughly rinse with water. Do not allow product to enter drains, waterways or soil. Clean utensils immediately after use with soap and water. Do not breathe spray dust.

    Due to its potassium silicate content, the reaction of silicate based coatings is highly alkaline.
    Hence protect skin and eyes from paint. The areas adjoining the surface to be coated must be carefully masked, in particular glass, ceramics, enamel/varnish coating, clinkers, natural stones, wood and metals. Wash splashes immediately and completely with plenty of clean water.

    Further information: See Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).


    Materials and all related packaging must be disposed of in a safe way in accordance with the full requirements of the local authorities. Particular attention should be made to removing wastage from site in compliance with standard construction site procedures.
    In Germany: Only completely empty containers should be handed in for recycling. Dispose containers with residues of liquid product via waste collection point accepting old paints and enamels. Dispose dried/hardened product residues as construction site/demolition/municipal or domestic waste.

    EU limit value for the VOC content

    of this product (category A/a): max. 30 g/l (2010). This product contains < 1 g/l VOC.

    Product Code Paints and Enamels

    M-SK01 (Germany)

    Substances of Content - Declaration

    Styrol acrylate resin, potassium silicate, calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, silicates, water, additives (paraffin wax, stabilisers, disperser, thickener, defoamer).

    Customer Service Centre

    Tel.: +49 6154 71-71710
    Fax: +49 6154 71-71711

    International Distribution: Please see

    Product recommendation:

    Matador Feinputz