
HaftGrund EG

Remineralising, adhesion-promoting primer for the following coatings inside and outside

  • LV Texte

    Field of Application

    White pigmented, special priming paint (wash primer) for covering priming coats on interior and exterior surfaces before applying finishing coats of dispersion, dispersion-silicate and silicone resin paints.
    Adhesion-promoting primer on on smooth, sound/stable substrates, e.g. gypsum plasterboards, concrete, as well as slightly absorbent mineral renders CSI - CSIII according to DIN EN 998-1, gypsum and ready-mixed renders PIV according to DIN EN 13279-1 and gypsum building boards. Especially on gypsum boards, a risk of spalling of thin gypsum putty layers is significantly reduced. As a priming coat with good grip before wallpapering of all kinds on smooth, slightly absorbent substrates.

    Material Properties

    • Silicifiable for following coats with dispersion silicate paints
    • Emission-minimised, solvent-free, unplasticized
    • Grip priming coat especially on thin gypsum filler
    • Extends the open time for subsequent coats
    • Free of preservative
    • Suitable for allergy sufferers "Deutsche Haut- und Allergikerhilfe E.V." (German Skin and Allergy Aid Association)
    • Adhesion-promoting on slightly absorbent substrates

    Material Base / Vehicle

    Modified, remineralising plastic dispersion according to DIN 55945.

    Packaging/Package Size

    Standard Product: 5 l, 12.5 l
    Airfix: 25 l hobbock, 120 l paint barrel, 750 l container


    Can be tinted with CaparolColor and AmphiColor tinting paints or mechanically via the ColorExpress system. Tinting no longer guarantees the preservative-free property.


    Keep in a cool, but frost-free place.

    Maximum particle (grit) size

    < 100 µm, Class: S1 (fine)


    Approx. 1.5 g/cm3

    Diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness sdH2O

    < 0,14 m, Class V1 (high)

    Water permeability (w-value)

    w-Vaue: > 0,5 [kg/(m2·h0,5)], Class W1 (high)

    Suitability according to Technical Information No. 606 Definition of Application Areas

    Interior 1Interior 2Interior 3Exterior 1Exterior 2
    (–) inapplicable / (○) of limited suitability / (+) suitable

    Suitable Substrates

    The substrates must be sound/stable, dry, clean, and free from all substances that may
    prevent good adhesion.In Germany: Follow VOB, Part C, DIN 18 363, section 3. For substrate pre-treatment, please also observe our Technical Information No. 650 "Substrates and their pre-treatment".

    Substrate Preparation

    For interiour use: Note Q2/Q3 Filling / thin gypsum layers < 0.5mm. When using gypsum-containing, hydraulically setting filling compounds in quality level Q2/Q3, a transparent, water-based primer is recommended. For this, in Germany we refer to the Maler&Lackierer leaflet No. 2 -9/2020 "Adhesion problems of coatings on filled gypsum (cardboard) boards" of the Bundesverband Farbe, Gestaltung, Bautenschutz and the Bundesausschuss Farbe und Sachwertschutz. As an alternative to gypsum-based Q3 filling, filling with pasty filling compounds has proven successful.

    Method of Application

    HaftGrund EG can be rolled, brushed and sprayed.


    Undiluted, or with max. 3 % water or CapaSol Concentrate adjustable to working consistency.

    Surface Coating System

    As a covering primer coat before following coat with dispersion and dispersion-silicate paints.


    Depending on absorbency and condition of substrate, approx. 150-200 ml/m2.
    Determine exact consumption and degree of dilution by trial coating on site.

    Application Conditions

    Lower temperature limit during processing and drying:
    Material, circulating air and substrate temperature: min. + 5° C to max. + 30°C.

    Drying/Drying Time

    At +20 °C and 65 % relative humidity recoatable after approx. 12 hours. Lower temperatures and higher humidity extend the drying time.


    Rolling application: rollers with a pile height of 13-18 mm

    Tool Cleaning

    Wash out tools and implements with water after use.

    Airless Application

    Spray angle: 50°
    Nozzle: 0.021-0.025
    Spray pressure: 150 - 180 bar


    To obtain the special properties, mix HaftGrund EG only with CapaSol Konzentrat, CaparolColor Vollton- und Abtönfarben or AmphiColor Vollton- und Abtönfarben. Do not add any other products.

    Special Risks (Hazard Note) / Safety Advice (Status as at Date of Publication)

    If medical advice is needed, have container or label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. When spraying, use face mask with particle filter P2 against spray mist.


    Dispose of liquid material residues at the collection point for old paints/lacquers. Dispose of dried material residues as construction and demolition waste or as municipal or household waste.

    EU limit value for the VOC content

    (Cat. A/a):30 g/l (2010). This product contains max. < 1 g/l VOC.

    Product Code Paints and Enamels

    Giscode: BSW10

    Substances of Content - Declaration

    Polyacrylate resin, calcium carbonate, silicates, titanium dioxide, aluminum hydroxide, water, alkali water glass, additives

    Technical Assistance

    All substrates encountered in practice and their technical processing cannot be dealt with in this publication. If substrates are to be processed which are not listed in this Technical Information, it is necessary to consult with us or our sales representatives. We will be pleased to provide you with detailed, object-related advice.

    Customer Service Centre

    Tel.: +49 6154 71-71710
    Fax: +49 6154 71-71711

    International Distribution: Please see